hello friends!
i am still trying to get back into blogging mode and posting at least once a week has been a good start. let's face it- i was in a serious blogging slump and it may take a little while to get back into it again. so this month, being february and valentine's day coming along, i thought i would blog about things i love- i am sure i won't post something every day but i have plenty of things i love and can post about so hopefully that will get the creative juices flowing again! i plan to post about all things- people, pets, products, foods, tv shows, etc. yay! i am actually getting excited just thinking about it.
so the first in my series will be a website i love: Pinterest. whoever thought this concept up is just genius in my book. if you don't know what Pinterest is, you can click here to check it out. essentially, it's a website for you to bookmark ideas about anything and everything but instead of a list of website names, it is posted as a picture with a link to the site. confused? check out the link. if you want an invite, put your email address in the comments and i will invite you to Pinterest and you can check it out for yourself. you can also find friends from facebook and other social media sites on there as well. i have things posted from recipes to photography ideas to craft projects to, well, you name it- it is probably on there somewhere. and if it's not, you can certainly find it! you can find your own awesome ideas and "pin" them or "repin" someone else's find. i repeat again- genius. check it out! i dare you to not love it.
if you love pinterest, what are some of your favorite finds? have you tried any recipes and fallen in love? share! if you are on there and we aren't following each other- find me! happy pinning!
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