
top seven: round two

so last week i didn't have time to do much else than work, breathe, sleep, and eat.  which is why i never got to post anything about top seven:  round one.  (maybe they knew that... so they gave me a second chance.  probably not.)  anyway... here's my quick thoughts on tonight's performances.

first, of course... a rundown on the judges.  
     -randy:  obviously, wearing orange for stellan!
     -kara:  sporting some great hair and a color other than navy and/or black.  nice.
     -paula:  wearing sleeves!  amazing.  still saying random things.  and dancing.
     -simon:  wearing the thinnest undershirt he could find.  obviously.

now, onto the perfomances... same ratings apply.

-lil:  props to lil for performing as well as she did for being sick.  i thought something was a little off.  however, the judges are right.  she's just not showing herself for who she is.  i can't figure out what kind of artist she would be.  this week, simon's right, may be her last.
rating:  -

-kris:  loved it!  loved everything about it.  it was very john mayer-ish (before he got political) to me.  
rating: ++

-danny:  he's great.  every week.  but he's not super dynamic every week.  and that's what may bump kris up into the final two and danny 3rd.  that is, if-things-keep-up-the-way-they-are-this-week, and not that danny won't be stepping up his game next week.  after all, it is all in the arrangement... ha!
rating:  +

-allison:  i get the vibe she was portraying.  i do.  but hated the outfit.  loved her voice.  didn't love the arrangement.  she is good.  she's the best girl still standing, and this season they dropped like flies.  
rating:  =

-adam:  brilliant.  and, for the record, i still love fresh-face adam better than manscara adam.  but, either way, he is now my favorite, right up there with kris, of course, because kris is more my style.  wait, i think i just pulled a paula... who am i talking about?  oh yeah.  adam.  loved it.  i think we have a winner, and a few weeks ago, i would have washed my mouth out after saying that (country week, if you can't remember).
rating:  ++

-matt:  okay.  really.  what america wanted to end last week should have ended last week.  hopefully, it will end this week.  i still don't really know what kind of album he would make.  he's trying to be too many different people and i'm over it.  i never really liked him in the first place, then a few weeks in a row- he was great.  now he's back to being unimpressive.  
rating:  -

-anoop:  he is great with the ballads.  this week, he didn't really wow me, but he did a great job and he can sing.  and he can totally pull off pink.  
rating:  =

that's it for me.  what did you think?


Smoochiefrog said...

Shhhhhhhhhh.... We Adam fans don't talk about country week. That's blasphemy!

Kris was the bomb this week though.

Sherri said...

Kris was AWESOME last night.

And I really don't like Adam, too creepy.