
w.w. update: week 2

well, i can't speak for jay because he is still at work and won't weigh in until tomorrow. but i have now lost an additional 3.4 pounds, bringing the two week total up to 5 pounds. apparently, i have lost the weight of a sack of potatoes! haha and it won't be much longer when this healthy eating and exercise should become more of a habit... isn't if you do something consistently for at least a month that it can become a habit? i can't remember but that sounds familiar. let me know what you've heard. and i will update you on jay's progress soon. happy mon(fun)day!


Anonymous said...

congrats! on the 3.4 lbs. hmmm.... not sure about the habit thing but you could be correct. i had a very happy mon(fun)day today!!!

later tater! (minus a sack!)