i did my very best to watch AI this morning before falling asleep... i almost made it through the entire thing without dozing. almost. so, here's my rundown of the show. (quick rundown, that is, which is basically just my opinion.)
-didn't love his first song. but, really, that's paula's fault. he sang it great, but i just didn't like it all that much.
-LOVED the second song. danny is amazing and this song proved it. he deserves to be in the finale.
-i thought "apologize" was pretty good, but it was a bit copy-cat. and while i was about to agree with kara, i'm glad i didn't, after hearing his second choice.
-his spin on "heartless" was amazing. he totally deserves to be in the finale.
-honestly, i have been a converted adam fan, however, i did not like his version of "one" by U2. that song is great the way it is, and he pushed the envelope on this one for me. (not as much as say his envelope-pushing version of "ring of fire," but close.)
-he totally has the pipes for this song. he most definitely probably is "the next steven tyler." but i realized today that i am quite over his screaming. however, that is what this song calls for and he delivered. and, quite honestly, he deserves to be in the finale, too.
if i could vote, and be the only voter, i would eliminate adam this week. he has made it. seriously. he's already on the stage, as far as theatre goes. i think america should leave it up to kris and danny- the two guys who have worked hard to make it where they are right now. i guess we'll just have to wait and see...
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