
they got it right.

the weather folks, that is.

got it right.

the forecast.

the snow.

who would have thought they would have been right?

i was really hoping they weren't (because i had to work. i did not make it in friday. i worked 17 hours sat/sun.).

not only were they right, they were about 6 hours off on their start time, too.

it started about 6am friday and asheville had the largest amount of snowfall in 24 hours in their history. but don't quote me on that. it ranks about 5-6 in all time records, which encompass a 48-72 hour time period. asheville got anywhere from 15-18 inches. here in fletcher, we got about 10-12 inches. not 10-12 snowflakes, which is what we typically get when snow is in the forecast.

i chronicled a short timeline of how quickly it accumulated with pictures, of course.

8am friday morning, shortly after i returned home from work.

2pm friday afternoon, shortly after i woke up.

6pm friday night, about 12 hours after it all began.

10am saturday

almost all the bushes were covered in snow


anita said...

WOW...absolutely gorgeous!!!