
splish splash

alternately titled: picture overload!

harley came over yesterday morning to hang out with me and the dogs (and jay, when he was here) while his mom was at work and his dad had some errands to run. (fyi, harley started kindergarten today. :) so grown-up.) so we had a fun morning planned of water play with the dogs. he loves cotton as barley almost as much as they love him. we all had so much fun playing and then the dogs had a bath, and harley helped me soap them up, and then harley came in and had a bath, too, to round out the watery fun. enjoy the pictures... there are plenty of them!

slowly testing the waters...

cotton was in and then she was out... barley and harley were the water-logged ones of the day.

this is what she did instead. (if you dbl. click the second picture to enlarge it, she appears to be smiling from ear to ear. cute.)

i love the concentration and contemplation...

sweet furry babies. the best dogs ever. (okay, i am biased.)

neither barley nor harley could resist the spraying hose.


anita said...

love these pics of harley and the girls! looks like they all had a good time!!!! we were thinking of harley the other day..... will have to tell you later!

anita said...

I forgot to mention.... I miss the owls! don't get me wrong.. i love the pink and green too, but a bit on the bright side .... i need my sunglasses.....

Becca said...

So cute!!! I love Cotton's ear-to-ear grin. Aggie's the same way with the spraying hose- she's even chipped a tooth biting at it. Those silly chocolates. Harley is adorable and looks like he had so much fun! :)